Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana – To promote the agricultural sector, both the Central and state governments launch various kinds of schemes. The governments are also launching schemes to promote agribusiness. Today we are going to tell you about such a scheme launched by the government of Odisha which is known as Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana. Through this scheme, the government is going to provide financial assistance to agro entrepreneurs. By reading this article you will get complete details regarding the scheme like its objective, benefits, features, eligibility criteria, required documents, application procedure, online registration, login, payment, etc. So if you are interested in getting the benefit of Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana then you have to read this article till the end.

Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana 2024
The Government of Odisha has launched Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana under the state agriculture policy. Through this scheme, the government is going to provide capital investment subsidies to agro entrepreneurs. The subsidy will be provided only for the expansion or modernization of the existing enterprise after one year of completion and successful operation of the Enterprise. So that they can set up their commercial Agri Enterprise. This scheme was launched on 1st June 2018 to provide ease of doing agribusiness by process simplification of commercial agri enterprises.
- This scheme will also make the implementation modalities simple, transparent, and time-bound at all stages so that farmers can benefit from this scheme.
- Other than that mukhymantri krushi Udyog Yojana will also promote the setting up of commercial Agri enterprises so that income and employment opportunities can be generated in the state under the agriculture and allied sectors.
Odisha Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana
Objective Of Mukhymantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
The main objective of Mukhymantri Krushi Udyog Yojana is to provide ease of doing agribusiness. Under this scheme, a subsidy is provided to the agro entrepreneurs so that the agribusiness sector can be boosted. With the help of this scheme, farmers will get funds for establishing their businesses which will ultimately improve their standard of living. This scheme will also make the entrepreneurs self-dependent. Now the entrepreneurs are not required to depend on others for getting funds in order to expand their business as the Government of Odisha is going to provide the funds in the form of a capital investment subsidy
Details Of Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
Name Of The Scheme | Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana |
Launched By | Government Of Odisha |
Beneficiary | Citizens Of Odisha |
Objective | To Provide Ease Of Doing Agri-Business |
Official Website | |
Year | 2024 |
State | Odisha |
Mode Of Application | Online/Offline |
Benefits And Features Of Mukhymantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- The Government of Odisha has launched mukhyamantri krushi Udyog Yojana under the state agriculture policy
- Through this scheme the government is going to provide capital investment subsidies to the agro entrepreneurs
- The subsidy will be provided for the expansion or modernization of the existing enterprise after one year of completion and successful operation of the Enterprise
- This scheme was launched on 1st June 2018 with the objective of providing ease of doing agribusiness
- The main objective of this scheme is to do process simplification for commercial Agri Enterprise
- This scheme will also make the implementation modalities simple, transparent, and time-bound at all the stages so that farmers can take benefit of this scheme
- This scheme will also promote the setting up of commercial Agri Enterprise in order to create income and employment opportunities in the agriculture and allied sectors
Pattern Of Assistance Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- General Entrepreneurs- 40% of the fixed capital investment (maximum limit 50 lakh excluding cost of land)
- SC/ST/Women/Persons with disability/graduates of agriculture and allied disciplines- 50% of the fixed capital investment (maximum limit 50 lakh excluding cost of land)
- Group of individuals (registered FPO, FPC, FPG, NGO, SHG, PAC, LAMPCS, Farmers, cooperative societies, apex federations, companies registered under companies act 2013- can avail CIS to the tune of 40% limited to 50 lakh. If all the members are women then CIS will be 50% limited to 50 lakh
- The upper limit under this scheme is for one entrepreneur or family as whole
- Family means family unit consisting of individual, his or her spouse, their unmarried sons, daughters and married sons and dependent parents as per the Odisha public Distribution system order 2016
- Entrepreneur is required to provide self declaration on the list of his or her family members and declared that the family members have not availed the subsidy amount under this scheme
- The cost of infrastructure will not be included in project cost
- Business activities can also be undertaken on the rented premises
- The entrepreneur is required to make a registered agreement for availing the premises on rent for a minimum period of 5 years
- Those projects which are established without the prior approval of DLC will not be considered
Project Financing And Completion Period
- Under this scheme self financing commercial agri Enterprise are allowed
- The self financing commercial agri Enterprise are allowed upto a limit of project cost of Rs 10 lakh
- Those projects that are costing more than 10 lakh, financing by financial institution is mandatory up to a minimum of 10% of project cost
- The Bank is required to evaluate the entire project for the release of subsidy
- The project should be completed within two years from the date of issue of go ahead letter
- If there is any delay by the financial institution then the period will be extended beyond two years that is maximum one year from the date of sanction of loan or the stipulated two years whichever is later
- there is any delay in the execution of project beyond stipulated period then 20% of the subsidy will be deducted from the subsidy amount (if the project is delayed upto 6 months)
- If there is any delay in the execution of project beyond the stipulated period then 50% of the subsidy will be detected from the subsidy amount if the project is delayed from six months to one year
- If the project completion is delayed for more than one year then no subsidy will be provided
Implementation Of Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- The guidelines of this scheme can be modified or changed by the state level committee with the approval of government in Department of Agriculture and farmers empowerment as and when required
- The agricultural promotion and Investment corporation of Odisha under the department of agriculture and farmer empowerment is the nodal agency of this scheme
- At the district level the district line department officers like chief district agriculture Officer, Chief district veterinary officer, deputy Director horticulture, Executive Engineer and district fisheries officer will be responsible for implementing this scheme
- At the block level the block line department will verify the DPR and issue the feasibility report of the proposed project uploaded by the entrepreneur
- If there is any integrated farming project than the concerned BLO will visit the site with BVO/AVAS as coordinator
- The BVO/AVAS will submit the feasibility report to the CDAO through CDVO after observing all the formalities
- BLO will also monitor the execution process and upload the photograph on the portal
- The district level officer of agriculture and allied department will act as default district Nodal Officer
- For agro service centre the Executive Engineer will be district Nodal Officer
- The report of project will be prepared by APICOL, a chartered accountant, OUAT or any Institute of Government of India or Government of Orissa or by a consultant professional approved by APICOL department or concerned line department
Project Cost Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- Each enterprise will have a different project cost
- There is no fixed limit due to variation in type, size, capacity etc of the project
- While preparing the DPR the consultant will adopt a OPWD schedule of rates for civil construction
- The rates provided in the rule for private lift irrigation point will adopt in case of irrigation equipments
- Rates approved by the director of horticulture will adopt in case of micro irrigation system
- The rates approved by NABARD/ line department/NBH will be adopted for plants, trees, birds, animals
- The rate of MIDH/NHB will adopt in case of protected cultivation
- The cost of land will not include in the project cost
Sanctioning Committee Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- State level committee- There will be a joint state level committee under this scheme which will consist of few numbers. This committee will be responsible for considering proposals for sanction of capital investment subsidy for the project that are costing more than Rs 1 crore
- Sub committee- If there is need to constitute a sub committee then the chairman of the state level committee will constitute a sub committee in order to exercise the powers and functions of the state level committee. The decisions of the sub committee will be placed before the state level for approval
- District level committee- At district level a district level committee will be constituted under the chairmanship of collector and district magistrate. All the district level officers of agriculture and allied departments will be members of this committee
Modalities Of Implementation Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- A portal has been launched for online application under this scheme
- Beneficiaries are required to submit an application online in prescribed format to the block level officer which will enclose all the details of capital investment
- The application will be viewed by the BLO
- The BLO will verify the application and security deposit of Rs 10000
- If there is some discrepancy then the BLO is required to revert back the application to the entrepreneur within 5 working days
- The applicant will receive an auto generated message or email
- The BLO will also visit the farm site with the entrepreneur your in order to verify various records
- The feasible report is required to be submitted by the BLO on the web portal within 15 days
- The branch manager of the willing bank is required to make a joint visit to the project site before giving feasibility report
- After receipt of proposal and feasibility report the concerned district Nodal Officer will process and review the land records from bhulekh
- DNO can also carry out the spot verification
- After satisfaction the DNO will upload his or her recommendation
- If the proposal has not recommended then the reason for rejection will upload.
Valuation Of Project Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- Self financing projects- The valuation of the project will be done by district Nodal Officer and one engineer. The engineer should not be below the rank of assistant engineer of any government department
- Institutional finance project– The evaluation of the institutional finance project will be done by the concerned finance Institution with the help of an approved valuer which is duly countersigned by the branch manager
- The concerned officer is required to adopt the prescribed rates for valuation
- Evaluation report will be prepared which will be filled by the evaluator. This report will be based on detailed valuation of the project
- Working capital will not be included as capital cost
- Entrepreneur is required to furnish self declaration that the material for which vouchers have been submitted has been utilised in the concerned project
- Entrepreneur will also submit a subsidy for non availing certificate which should not include the interest subvention availed under agricultural infrastructure fund or fisheries and aquaculture development fund or animal husbandry infrastructure development fund of Government of India
- Before the release of subsidy the bills and vouchers with GST are required to be submitted by the entrepreneur and are required to be compiled by CT and GST
Assessment Of Fixed Capital Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- Insurance- Under this scheme Insurance of Capital asset is mandatory. The value of insurance premium for one year will be considered as capital investment
- Plant and machinery- The value of plant and machinery will be considered as capital investment
- Electricity and water supply installation- The cost of electrical installation will include transformer, generator, inverter, tube well, bore well and any other water body as a source of irrigation and other equipment which is used for irrigation will be eligible to get subsidy
- Project Report- The cost incurred in preparing project report will be treated as capital investment. Subsidy will be provided for preparing project report but the subsidy is limited to the limit of 1% of the total project cost.
- Building- The newly constructed buildings which is specifically designed for the project will qualify for subsidy. Dwelling houses or quarters used for residential purpose, guard rooms etc will not qualify for the subsidy but worker hut or labour shed will be included as capital investment for release of subsidy up to a maximum limit of Rs 6000
- Land- Subsidy cannot be availed on the cost of land
Disbursement Of Capital Investment Subsidy
- After the completion of unit the capital investment subsidy will disburse
- The district Nodal Officer will certify the date of trial production or completion of the project
- Entrepreneur will execute an agreement with the district Nodal Officer before releasing the subsidy
- As per the guidelines the subsidy will ne released into the Aadhaar link bank account of the entrepreneur
- The DNO will get the edit option for change of bank
- The access will provide to bankers at least at two levels that is head office level and zonal level in order to facilitate project monitoring
- The security money deposited along with online application will be refunded when the capital investment subsidy is disbursed into the bank account of the entrepreneur
Eligible Beneficiaries Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- Any individual
- Partnership Enterprise
- Body of individuals
- Farmers, cooperative societies
- Apex federations
- Companies registered under companies act 2013
- In case of group of applicants to office bearers which are duly authorised by the executive body will act as applicants
- The individual applicant or group of applicant are required to have the project land in the name of entrepreneur/spouse or leased in land for period of minimum 15 years in the state of Odisha with the valid Aadhar
- Those centre who are undertaking cage culture fisheries in reservoir will be able to take the benefit of this scheme on lease period allowed under the cage culture policy of the government
- Those persons who are not president of Odisha are a eligible to establish agro enterprise
- The minimum age to take the benefit of the scheme is 18 years
- After one year of successful management of the previous unit an individual can establish more than one enterprise across different sector and will be eligible to avail another new project which will be subject to the subsidy limit of 50 lakh per beneficiary
Process Flow Of Mukhymantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- The block level officer is required to submit a feasible report within 15 days
- After that district Nodal Officer will submit proposal before district level committee within 15 days
- The collector come chairman will approve the report within 30 days
- Now the district Nodal Officer will issue go ahead letter within 7 days with the validity period of two years
- APICOL will perform the online monitoring of the project
- The entrepreneur is required to submit application for subsidy after completing the project
- The district Nodal Officer will issue completion certificate with in 15 days of receipt of subsidy application
- Certificate will be provided before the end of go ahead period
- The bank will perform evaluation within 30 days
- After that the district level committee will approve the Subsidy amount
Eligible Enterprise Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
The investment subsidy under this scheme will be provided to the entrepreneurs in order to set up agri enterprises which are related to agriculture and allied activities including food processing. The agri enterprise must be generating net income of Rs 2 lakh per annum except the negative list as mentioned below:-
- Integrated rice mill
- Biogas plant for harnessing energy
- Any field crop which is having less than 1 year duration under normal condition
- Units for cutting raw tobacco and sprinkling for chewing purpose and gudka manufacturing unit etc
Required Documents To Apply Under Mukhymantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- Aadhar card
- Residence certificate
- GST number
- PAN card
- Income certificate
- Passport size photograph
- Mobile number
Procedure To Apply For Establishment Of Commercial Agri Enterprise
- First of all go to the official website of Agricultural promotion and Investment corporation of Odisha

- The home page will open before you
- On the homepage you are required to click on MKUY guidelines
- Now you have to click on revised MKUY guidelines

- A PDF file will appear before you
- You have to take the printout of this PDF
- After that under the annexure-A section you have to enter all the required details life title of the project, name of the applicant, date of birth, education qualification, address, present occupation etc
- Now you have to attach all the required documents
- After that you have to submit this form in the concerned department
- By following this procedure you can apply for establishment of commercial agri Enterprise
Procedure To Register Under Mukhyamantri Krushi Udyog Yojana
- Go to the official website of Agricultural promotion and Investment corporation of Odisha
- The home page will open before you
- Now you are required to click on online registration

- A new page will appear before you
- On this new page you have to click on registration

- After that registration form will appear before you
- You have to select your applicant type
- After that you have to enter applicant details, project information, propose location of CAE with land particulars
- Now you have to upload all the required documents
- After that you have to click on submit
- By following this procedure you can register under mukhyamantri krushi udyog yojana
Procedure To Download Annexures
- First of all go to the official website of Agricultural promotion and Investment corporation of Odisha
- The home page will open before you
- On the homepage you have to click on MKUY guidelines
- After that you have to click on revised MKUY guidelines

- A PDF file will appear before you
- At the end of this PDF file you will find all the annexures
- Now you have to click on download option in order to download all these annexures
Procedure To Login On The Portal
- Go to the official website of Agricultural promotion and Investment corporation of Odisha
- The home page will open before you
- Now you should click on login Option.

- Login page will appear before you
- On the login page you have to enter your user id password and captcha code
- After that you have to click on login
- By following this procedure you can login on the portal
Contact Details
- Address- The Agricultural Promotion & Investment Corporation of Odisha Limited, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, PIN-751003
- Email: